Tag Archives: fresco

Michelangelo Buonarroti, The Creation of Adam, 1508-1512, detail of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, The Vatican, Rome, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Michelangelo Buonarroti: Sparks will Fly

This is on the short list of the most famous images in the world.  It is a fresco painting, which means that it actually is part of the ceiling itself in the Sistine Chapel.  These are only two of more … Continue reading

Giotto, The Nativity, 1305-1306, fresco, Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel, Padua, Italy, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Just a Second: Fresco

 Fresco (noun) Italian word for “fresh,” fresco is a technique of painting in which an artist mixes ground pigments with water and paints them onto wet plaster. Giotto’s beautifully expressive fresco paintings are actually part of the wall of the … Continue reading